December 4, 2017
In order to celebrate our 40th anniversary, we invited numerous customers and business partners from Switzerland to our headquarters in Mägenwil.
On November 22nd 2017 the participants enjoyed the event with its topic “the UPS of the future”. Presentations on trends in battery systems, on communication with HMI (Human Machine Interface) and on the semiconductor technology of UPS systems were held. Experts from the companies Saft and Erdmann Design, as well as our research & development manager presented their ideas on the focus of possible next development steps. The second part of the afternoon was dedicated to demonstrations in the fields of R & D, production, test field and service, where our interested guests were shown how the understanding of quality for STATRON products is implemented throughout the entire product life cycle. Finally we let the day come to an end with a shared aperitif. The interesting contributions of the day were discussed intensively and excitedly. We thank all participants for the lively interest and look forward to the next event.
Sini Süess, Marketing Manager STATRON Group
Ruben Vogelsang, Global Sales and Marketing Director STATRON Group
Peter Limacher, Member of the Board