Although Covid-crisis has also hit the business of Statron in Middle East (ME), Statron is still investing in that region.
With an installed base of several thousand systems for uninterruptable power supply (UPS), Statron is one of the major players in the ME. We are committed to our partners and clients also in difficult times. Therefore, we decided to further invest and finished a completely renewal of our offices in Dubai. The improvements in our offices will allow us to work more efficiently in the team itself as well as with partners and clients.
For the opening ceremony, we were very pleased that we could welcome His Excellency Mr. Frank Eggmann, General Consul of Switzerland in Dubai. Mr. Eggmann pointed out the natural success factors of Switzerland, thus being a hard-working attitude, the inventor-attitude and tolerance towards different cultures. Those are values that fit perfectly to Statron and might be reasons why the company is so successful in the region.
At this part, we want to say a big “Thank You” to all the members of the ME team, who have significantly supported in all the work related to the renewal of the offices. We wish success and prosperity to the Statron ME-team.
Ruben Vogelsang (CEO) and Syamprasad Dondapati (Head of Statron ME)